Music in the Soul Can Be Heard by the Universe.

     Every people in this world have someone who’s been very special in their lives. Someone who’s been there in their ups and down, in their victories and failures, in their happiness and sadness. Someone who also makes them special and their lives complete and yes like them, I’m proud to say that I already have that person in my life since I was born.

      He is strong as Hercules, brave as a lion, a helpful atlas forever ready to lead the way, sturdy Eiffel tower in the heart of Paris, colorful and vibrant rainbow after every storm, apple of my eye, a calculator who solve my equations and problems in life, the king of our palace, the man of our home, my superhero, best friend, provider, protector, and a gentleman who possess many qualities that I cannot mention them all. He is none other than my handsome father.

     When I was young, he is the match that lit up the candle of my mind, letting me to see and discover new things. He is the one who taught me on how to respect, the importance of little kindness, of showing compassion of  love to my family members and friends, and to be patience. One thing I can’t forget that he always put me on his back, thinking that I can reach the sky and I’m really enjoying it. When I was in trouble, he is always there at my side, willing to help, listen and save me, that’s why he is my best superhero in the world and until now he is still there at my side. He is such a blessing to me, without him I am not here in this world.

     Pa, even though I do not have the urge to say “I Love You” But I’m telling you infinity is not enough to measure the love that I feel inside. I maybe not  the perfect son that you want, but I promise that I’ll be a good, If goodness is not enough I’ll be a better son, but for you pa I will be the BEST son.


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